Remote working at LemonEdge

At LemonEdge, remote working… works

How did LemonEdge start, scale and stay together while we all worked from home? Let’s find out.

Jamie Nascimento
October 14, 2021
min read

We started LemonEdge just as the first COVID-19 lockdown was taking hold across the world. We had to build a product, start a business, make hires, win clients and everything else, with our entire team working from home. But rather than it being a setback, we turned it into an advantage. Today, we can all venture back out again; but remote working is here to stay for us.

How we did it

When you start a startup, you’re not just building a business; you also need to create a company culture. This is a challenge when you can’t get together in person, but we made it possible. The golden rule? Communication is key.

Here’s how we made sure we always stayed in touch and nothing got lost in translation:

  • Daily morning catch-up calls where each LemonEdge team member could share their tasks for the day and gain insight from the rest of the team
  • Regular review meetings for each separate team, where team members could formulate ideas, discuss solutions and begin achieving their goals
  • Weekly catch-up calls for the entire LemonEdge team to talk about anything and everything in a relaxed atmosphere. It doesn’t always have to be financial services software chat!

Why it works

With these measures in place to keep the lines of communication flowing, we soon discovered that remote working brought several benefits that you don’t get when you have everyone together in an office.

First, we found we could hire more effectively. We now had access to a talent pool unrestricted by geographical boundaries. When you can bring the best onboard, you’re sure to achieve better results – and offering the opportunity to work from home is a big incentive for people to come and work with you. Today, our operations reach into three different time zones – with a fourth on the way.

Next, remote work helps us budget better. Because we’re not paying to lease an office, we can invest that capital back into the business and be closer to our clients.

Finally, working from home gives our employees more flexibility in the way they work and a better work-life balance. We find this a significant motivating factor that has made our team much more productive. Apart from some core hours that we all have to be together, our people can work at the times that suit them best. It makes for a happier team and better output.

Here to Stay

Remote working is here to stay at LemonEdge – and we would recommend it to any startup considering keeping their team at home. It can be hard to let go of the old-school mentality that a team works better when everyone is together, but the benefits are there for all to see. LemonEdge was fortunate that we started as a remote working company, rather than having to reverse engineer it.

A recent Forbes survey found that 97% of employees do not want to go back to the office full-time. So don’t get left behind.

To find out more about how LemonEdge is changing financial services software for the better, get in touch with Prathamesh Pharande (Sales and Marketing at LemonEdge) or our co-founders.

Visit lemonedge.com/contact-us today.